Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Heart Overflows!

"...for out of the OVERFLOW of the HEART, the mouth speaks..." Matthew 12:34b

I have always loved this verse - although the 1st half isn't one I'd chose to readily identify myself with (brood of vipers? Yikes.). As a little girl my mom was really protective of what we watched and listened to and could be heard frequently teaching the "garbage in - garbage out" lesson. I don't remember at what particular juncture in life this verse jumped out at me, but nevertheless - for me, it's one of those that pops into my head at the most INOPERTUNE times. [read: times when I need it to for a heart check]

In August of 2007 I became a mom (actually in July of 2007 I became a mom, I just didn't know it until August 22nd :)]. The way in which I began to think about and look at things changed almost instantly. On April 23, 2008 I met my daughter. It wrecked me - in the most beautiful way. For every mom - you know this moment. The moment you see your child's face for the first time - it wrecks you, and nothing in your life is ever the same. You're a mom. You look at the world through a different lens, your decision making process takes on a different tone, and the list goes on. Every journey is different, but for me - God chose to use this event in my life as a way to speak to my heart - the very core of who I am, the way I process information and understand life around me. I should have started a blog at that time - but didn't, for a million reasons. My daughter turns 2 next month and it's time. If for no one else other than me - to have a chance to let my mouth speak (or fingers strike the keyboard?) from the overflow of my heart.

I am a girl (pink loving, ruffle digging, emotionally charged!). I am a wife (blogs forthcoming about the boy with whom I share my life!). I am a mom. I work full-time. I'm passionate and I'm imperfect. I'm rough around the edges. And I've not yet figured everything out.



  1. Love it! I absolutely love blogging. I was never good at keeping a diary or anything like that so I sometimes think I do this to make up for lost time! :)

  2. Glad you're back. I'll check it faithfully. (I just recently finally gave up checking your old blog.)
