'My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises!' - Psalm 108:1
Oh what a lovely verse. Just one of those that makes you smile and think lovely, warm and fuzzy Christian-y thoughts, right? So I'm smiling reading this verse, sipping my coffee, waving at the neighbor driving to work - thinking how lovely it is to be on the porch not having to go to work - reading my warm and fuzzy verse. Just for kicks - I go on and read the rest of the Psalm. Well - wouldn't you know - David goes on to cry out to God and for favor and to claim His promises when God's people need rescue. David is begging God not to reject them and is desperate for God's help in achieving victory over their enemies. So when David began this particular Psalm with this lovely verse - it wasn't as he was drinking his morning coffee and waving to the neighbors. Shoot. This is the part where my brain starts going - and for me, these are the moments when the Holy Spirit whispers to my heart.
Is it not easy to shout 'MY HEART IS CONFIDENT IN YOU, O GOD' and delight in singing the praises of the Lord when life is good, when the sun is shining (I mean this both literally and figuratively - especially for us Minnesotans...we'll go with the figuratively as we don't see the literal sun much these days), when the blessings in our lives are so numerous - it's all we can see. But can I shout this with just as much conviction when I'm in darkness. When a situation seems hopeless. When I can't see Jesus. When I'm in an impossible situation, like David must have felt when he wrote this. Now, what baffles me even more is that it's not like David lists out his troubles and what he is asking God for and then finishes it up with a good old 'I delight in singing your praises' - kind of like the pretty bow on the package. HE STARTS OUT WITH THIS! It's the very first thing out of his mouth. I'm typically more of a - start with the request, end with thanksgiving - kind of pray-er. The Bible refers to David as a man after God's own heart - and I'm wondering if it's that intimate walk with the Lord that leads to David communicating with God in this way. Confident and sure of his God first and foremost, but still sharing his requests (come on - we're instructed to do this - Phil 4:6!!!).
I've been in a bit of a desert lately. I'm told it's normal - that whole post partum, emotional, sleep-deprived, going from one kid to two, etc and etc. That doesn't change the fact that my heart is tired and I feel emotionally bankrupt. Truth be told - I think my 'crazy' is just getting to me and it sometimes gets just plain old looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, even though I KNOW this season is just temporary. Anyway - I know it's different for everyone and that what I'm currently going through may seem so very piddly in comparison to what a real struggle or impossible situation looks like. However, for ME - the practical application of this verse in my life at this current season is to wear this verse like a banner over my whole life. Over every situation. Over every tear. My challenge is to be confident in my very big God - FIRST. Not after I panic about how I'm feeling or after I nurse my 'wounds' of feeling dry and empty. To be so confident in my Jesus that it's NO WONDER that the first thing out of my mouth is praise.
Stepping down off of temporary soapbox...time to shower.
Beautiful. Love you. Let's have a date some time in July?